Machine Translation AI Translation tool - Homepage Mobile
  • Value for Money
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3.8/5Overall Score

MachineTranslation: Efficient Localization-focused Translation Services

Machine Translation AI Translation tool - Homepage Mobile

Summary and Use Cases

MachineTranslation, powered by Tomedes, offers human-level translation at machine speed and cost. It is a cutting-edge platform designed to make it accessible and reliable for everyone.

Feature Overview:

• Human-Level Translation: Achieve professional-quality translations using advanced AI technology.
• Cost-Effective: Access high-quality translation services at affordable rates.
• Multiple Translation Engines: Utilize various machine translation engines, including Google, DeepL, Amazon, ModernMT, Microsoft, LibreTranslate, IBM, Lingvanex, and Niutrans.
• Assisted by AI Tools: Benefit from AI-assisted translation, although inaccuracies may occur.
• Feedback Mechanism: Provide feedback to improve the product or service, helping to enhance overall performance and user experience.

Feature List

  • Advanced Machine Learning: Our translator utilizes machine learning algorithms to enhance translation accuracy over time.
  • Multilingual Support: Translate seamlessly between numerous language pairs, catering to diverse linguistic needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate our translator into existing workflows, enhancing productivity.
  • Document Formatting Preservation: Preserve original document formatting during translation.
  • Voice Translation: Utilize voice input for real-time translation.
  • Text-to-Speech Integration: Listen to translated text audibly for enhanced accessibility.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate real-time collaboration on translation projects.
  • Terminology Management: Maintain consistency in translations with specialized terminology management.
  • API Access: Integrate our translator into third-party applications for seamless interoperability.
  • Quality Assessment Tools: Evaluate translation accuracy and fluency with advanced assessment tools.
  • Customization Options: Tailor translations to specific preferences or industry requirements with adjustable settings.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor translation workflows to suit your organization’s unique requirements.
  • Multi-Translation-Engine Results: DeepL, Lingvanex, ModernMT, Microsoft, Libre, IBM, Amazon, Niutrans, Google.
  • Translation Insights and Comparison: Provide insights into various aspects of translation quality, including accuracy, fluency, and cultural nuances.

Account Creation Process

Initial Setup Difficulty

• The application can be used without signing in initially, but there’s an option to sign in for additional features.
• Signing up is easy by syncing emails is straightforward.
• Sometime, Google Sign in is creating an error message.

First Impressions

• The application seems user-friendly, with straightforward navigation.
• Upon signing up, users receive 150 credits. These credits are used to translate a particular number of characters.

English: She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party, and now it’s all gone pear-shaped.

Spanish: Se le escapó el gato de la fiesta sorpresa y ahora todo ha salido mal.

English: After the bow of the ship was damaged, the violinist decided not to bow during his performance.

Spanish: Después de que la proa de la nave se dañara, el violinista decidió no inclinarse durante su actuación.

English: She spilled the tea about their breakup, and it was a real doozy.

Spanish: Ella derramó el té sobre su ruptura, y fue un verdadero doozy.

English: The plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment was denied because the affidavit failed to establish a prima facie case.

Spanish: La moción de juicio sumario de la parte actora fue denegada debido a que la declaración jurada no logró establecer un caso prima facie.

Integration and Compatibility

(Yes), Plugins or API integrations are available on this application.

List of Machine Translation engines:

• Google
• DeepL
• Amazon
• ModernMT
• Microsoft
• LibreTranslate
• Lingvanex
• Niutrans

Accuracy & Contextual Understanding

Score: 4

• The translation of the tool is not 100% accurate, with discrepancies between the translated text and the original meaning.
• The application’s lag impacts the overall experience.

Handling of Idioms and Cultural References

Score: 4

• While the tool generally translates expert terminology accurately, it has issues with idiomatic terms, which change depending on the translation engine being used.
• This could lead to misunderstandings or changes in meaning.

Supported Languages

Score: 4

• The application supports 240 languages.
• However, it lacks automatic translation; users need to manually search for their desired language.

Pro & Cons of Machine Translation


  1. Easy navigation with a user-friendly interface.
  2. Wide language support for translation needs.
  3. Maintains document formatting and layout during translation.
  4. Provides multiple translations suitable for academic and business purposes.
  5. Provides both text and document translation capabilities.
  6. Customizable features cater to specific translation requirements.
  7. Uses multiple translation engines for better results.


  1. Limited support for less commonly spoken languages.
  2. May struggle with accurately translating idiomatic expressions.
  3. Accuracy may vary depending on the complexity of the content.
  4. The generation process could experience significant delays.
  5. May not always preserve formatting perfectly in document translations.
  6. Limited customization options for specific translation needs.
  7. Translation speed is very low.


Machine Translator License Costs

AIPR – Scoring

  • Value for Money
  • Quality & Accuracy
  • Features
  • Ease of Use
3.8/5Overall Score