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Icons8: AI Graphics Design

Icons8 homepage

A photo enhancer, as a category, serves a wide array of users aiming to elevate the visual appeal and quality of their photographs. This tool or software is essential for tackling common issues such as low resolution, color and lighting adjustments, noise reduction, sharpening details, and repairing any damage to images. Given its versatile nature, the photo enhancer finds its utility stretched across various demographics.

Social media enthusiasts often turn to a photo enhancer to make their pictures stand out on platforms, captivating their audience with visually appealing content. Photographers, both amateurs and professionals, lean on these tools to refine their shots, ensuring every detail is presented in the best light possible. Graphic designers incorporate photo enhancers into their workflow to manipulate images in creative projects, enhancing the visual storytelling of their designs.

E-commerce sellers recognize the importance of high-quality images in driving sales, using photo enhancers to ensure their products look appealing and true-to-life. Content creators across mediums – from blogs to video production – rely on enhanced photographs to support their narratives and engage their audience. Lastly, architects and interior designers use these tools to present their projects in the most flattering and realistic manner, impressing clients and stakeholders.

Summary and Use Cases

Icons8 emerges as a versatile platform tailored for designers and creators, offering a wealth of resources to elevate projects of any scale. It stands out for its comprehensive repository of graphics, including over one million icons, illustrations, and photos, all available in downloadable formats that ensure ease of integration into various design projects. Icons8 distinguishes itself with a suite of design apps, native applications, and plugins that aim to streamline the design process. The platform’s drag-and-drop functionality further simplifies creative tasks, making it accessible to users with varying levels of design expertise.

  1. A notable feature is Iconizer, an innovative tool that generates unique icons based on specific keywords and descriptions, offering a tailored solution for projects requiring specific iconography. Additionally, Ouch! Mega Creator and AI Anonymizer are flagship tools within the Icons8 suite. Ouch! Mega Creator allows for the creation of custom illustrations utilizing a comprehensive drag-and-drop library of elements, catering to a wide range of design needs. Meanwhile, AI Anonymizer provides an essential service for those seeking to protect their identity online by generating realistic faces that can be used as profile pictures or avatars without compromising personal privacy.
  2. The use cases for Icons8 span a wide array of applications. It enhances user interfaces by providing aesthetically pleasing graphical elements that improve usability and visual appeal. For businesses and brands aiming to maintain design consistency across various platforms and materials, Icons8 offers a unified source of high-quality graphics. It’s also a valuable resource for creating engaging social media content, designing impactful marketing materials, and supporting educational projects with compelling illustrations. Moreover, its versatility extends to personal projects, assisting users in creating custom artwork and crafts.


Feature List

Icons8 offers a comprehensive tool that provides designers and developers with a vast array of resources to enhance their projects. Each feature of this tool caters to a specific need, ensuring that users have a wide range of functionalities at their disposal. Here’s a deep dive into each of the noteworthy features, including the premium ones that set Icons8 apart in the market.

  • 1 Million+ Icons & Illustrations: Icons8 boasts an extensive library of over 1 million assets, covering various styles such as flat, 3D, and line illustrations, across multiple categories like business, technology, and nature. This wide selection ensures users can find the perfect visual representation for their project needs.


  • Downloadable in Multiple Formats: Recognizing the diversity in project requirements, Icons8 allows users to download assets in several formats including SVG, PNG, and EPS. This flexibility ensures seamless integration of icons and illustrations into any project, regardless of the working platform or software.

  • Filters and Search: To expedite the process of finding the ideal icon, Icons8 provides detailed filters and a keyword search feature. This functionality enhances user experience by making the search process efficient and user-friendly, saving valuable time and effort.

  • Customization Options: Icons8 goes beyond offering a static library of icons by providing robust customization options. Users can recolor, adjust size, and even add animations to icons directly on the platform, allowing for a personalized touch to their designs.

  • Native Apps and Plugins: With the understanding that designers and developers have preferences for specific tools, Icons8 offers native applications for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Additionally, it integrates with popular design software like Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator through plugins, streamlining the design process.

  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: The platform simplifies the design workflow with its drag-and-drop functionality, making it effortless to incorporate icons and graphics into designs. This feature is particularly useful for users seeking to speed up their design process without compromising on accuracy.

  • Cloud Storage and Syncing: Icons8’s cloud storage and syncing capabilities ensure that users can access their assets and continue their projects across devices. This feature is invaluable for teams and individuals working on multi-platform projects.

  • Iconizer: A standout feature, the Iconizer, allows users to generate unique icons based on keywords and descriptions. This AI-driven tool is particularly beneficial for creating custom icons that perfectly match project requirements.

  • Mega Creator: The Mega Creator feature empowers users to build custom illustrations using a drag-and-drop library of elements. This level of customization ensures that users can craft unique visuals that resonate with their project’s themes.

  • AI Anonymizer: In an era where privacy is paramount, the AI Anonymizer creates realistic faces for profile pictures or avatars, offering a solution for users needing to maintain anonymity online.

  • Photo Resizer & Enhancer: Icons8 addresses the common need for image optimization with its Photo Resizer & Enhancer, which allows users to upscale and enhance images for improved quality.

  • API Integration: For businesses and developers looking to integrate Icons8 assets directly into their website or app, the platform offers API integration. This feature facilitates a seamless blend of Icons8’s vast library into users’ projects, enhancing functionality and user experience.

Overall, Icons8 presents a robust set of features, including premium offerings that significantly enhance the design and development process. From a vast library of icons and illustrations to advanced customization and integration options, Icons8 stands out as a comprehensive resource for creative professionals.

Account Creation Process

Icons8 Account Creation Process

Initial Setup Difficulty

Starting off with the setup process, users will find it exceptionally straightforward. With the convenience of a single click, signing up using a Google account is seamlessly integrated, eliminating the need for filling out multiple fields manually. This aspect of initial engagement is notably user-friendly, streamlining the process right from the get-go.

However, it’s important to note a bump in the journey immediately following the signup stage. Upon successful registration, instead of being directed to a dashboard or welcome page, users encounter an unavailable page. This hiccup could disrupt the user’s flow and potentially deter their eagerness to explore the product further. Future improvements in ensuring a smooth transition post-signup could significantly enhance the overall user experience.

First Impressions

Upon initial examination, the homepage presents a somewhat overwhelming array of options and features. While the diversity of choices might be seen as advantageous for some, it potentially complicates the user experience for newcomers navigating the site for the first time. A more streamlined approach may enhance first impressions by making it easier for users to locate what they’re seeking efficiently.

Integration and Compatibility

Icons8 excels in integration and compatibility across multiple platforms and design software, making it a versatile choice for designers and developers alike.

This platform offers native applications for Mac, Windows, and Linux, ensuring users can work seamlessly on their preferred operating system. The inclusion of plugins for major design tools such as Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Sketch allows for direct access to Icons8’s extensive library within the workflow that designers are accustomed to. This seamless integration boosts efficiency and enriches the design process, enabling users to incorporate a wide range of icons and tools without leaving their design environment.

For developers looking to integrate Icons8’s assets into websites, applications, or other digital projects, the platform provides a comprehensive API. This allows for a smooth integration process, significantly enhancing the flexibility and usability of Icons8’s resources in various development projects.

Furthermore, Icons8 supports cloud storage and syncing, facilitating teamwork and ensuring that projects and assets are easily accessible across different devices. This is particularly beneficial for collaborative projects, as it ensures consistency and accessibility for all team members regardless of their location.

The platform’s support for open formats such as SVG, PNG, EPS, and JPG ensures compatibility with a broad spectrum of design software and online platforms. This versatility makes Icons8 an invaluable resource for designers and developers who utilize a variety of tools and formats in their projects.

Overall, Icons8’s commitment to integration and compatibility, as demonstrated through its native apps, plugins, API access, cloud syncing, and support for multiple file formats, establishes it as a highly adaptable and user-friendly resource for the design and development communities.

Clarity and Sharpness Improvement

Score: 4

Icons8’s image enhancement features, particularly Clarity and Sharpness Improvement, offer a significant boost to the quality of low-resolution or blurry images. This improvement is especially noticeable when utilizing tools like the Photo Resizer & Enhancer, which are designed to refine and enhance visual content. Users seeking to revive or touch up their photos will find this feature a valuable asset.

However, it’s important to note that the feature has its limitations. For images that are heavily pixelated or suffer from severe quality degradation, the effectiveness noticeably drops. The technology cannot completely salvage or restore images that are too far gone, which may leave some users wanting more. Nonetheless, for the majority of enhancement needs, Icons8 provides a competent solution that improves clarity and sharpness without introducing pixelation, making it a reliable option for photo enhancement tasks.

Color Correction and Enhancement

Score: 4

In evaluating the efficacy of the image upscaling tool with regard to color correction and enhancement, the outcome presented a surprisingly positive aspect considering the absence of a distinct color correction feature. The automated process embedded within the upscaler managed to enhance the image’s visual appeal, significantly impacting the vibrancy and accuracy of colors. The tool’s capability to automatically adjust and improve coloration, despite the lack of a specific option for color correction, suggests a sophisticated underlying algorithm. However, for professionals seeking granular control over color adjustments, the absence of dedicated color correction functionalities might be a limitation. Overall, the tool demonstrates strong performance in elevating the quality of images through color enhancement, making it a valuable asset for users looking to improve their visuals with minimal effort.

Noise Reduction and Detail Preservation

Score: 4

The performance presented by Icons8 in terms of noise reduction and detail preservation achieves a commendable balance. The software effectively reduces noise while concurrently enhancing color fidelity and resizing images automatically. This process, remarkably, retains the essential details of the image, ensuring that the visual quality is not compromised despite the alterations. This capability is particularly significant for users seeking to improve their photos’ clarity and detail without sacrificing the image’s integrity. Icons8 appears to position itself as a robust tool for those looking to enhance their digital visuals, making it a competitive option in the market. Its ability to maintain a high level of detail preservation, alongside noise reduction, shows a well-engineered approach to image optimization.

Customization Options

Score: 2

The product offers a limited range of customization options, falling short of expectations for those seeking extensive versatility in their user experience. Access to basic features is provided without cost, albeit these are restricted in scope. Additional customization capabilities, such as face swap and manual adjustments, are indeed available; however, they come at a premium. This limitation in free options combined with the necessity to pay for more advanced features may deter users looking for a comprehensive solution without extra expenses. This aspect positions the product towards the lower end of the spectrum in terms of flexibility and customization possibilities.

Preset & Automated Enhancement Options

Score: 1.5

The free version of this software provides a range of presets and automated enhancement options. These features, accessible within certain limits, offer a basic level of convenience for users looking to quickly improve their work. However, the effectiveness and variety of these tools are somewhat limited, resulting in enhancements that are satisfactory but fail to impress significantly.

The preset functions might serve well for beginners or those in a rush, but for anyone seeking a more refined or unique touch, the offerings might feel underwhelming. Comparison with similar tools in the market suggests a gap in quality and flexibility, highlighting an area for potential improvement to better meet user expectations.

Pro & Cons of Icons8


The product offers a compelling array of features that cater to both designers and developers, emphasizing efficiency and creativity in digital projects. Here’s a closer look at its advantages:

  1. AI-powered Icon and Illustration Customization: It sets a new standard for visual assets, enabling the generation of unique icons and illustrations that go beyond standard templates. This feature is especially useful for projects requiring a specific, tailor-made aesthetic.
  2. Seamless Integration with Figma and Photoshop: The ease of dragging and dropping icons and graphics directly into these popular design platforms streamlines the creative process, making it more efficient and less fragmented.
  3. Access to Open-source Icons and Royalty-free Music: This aspect is invaluable for creators looking to build commercial projects. The availability of open-source and royalty-free resources removes the common obstacles of copyright restrictions, facilitating a smoother creative journey.
  4. Cloud-based Storage and Syncing: Offering a cloud storage solution allows for effortless collaboration across teams. It ensures that all assets are accessible from anywhere, at any time, fostering a more flexible and productive working environment.
  5. AI-powered Photo Upscaling and Enhancement: This feature stands out for its ability to improve the quality of images, whether by upscaling low-resolution images or enhancing existing visuals for a sharper and more impactful appearance.
  6. API Access for Developer Integration: By providing API access, the tool becomes not just a resource for designers but also a versatile asset for developers. This enables the creation of custom app experiences and websites, leveraging the comprehensive resources offered by Icons8.

These features collectively contribute to a powerful tool that not only enhances the creative workflow but also provides a broad spectrum of resources and functionalities that cater to a wide range of project needs.


When considering this tool, it’s important to weigh some of its limitations against its benefits. Here’s a concise overview of the drawbacks identified in our evaluation:

  1. Limited 3D and Animation Capabilities: Compared to other software in the market, it offers less robust options for 3D modeling and animation. This might be a significant consideration for users whose primary need involves these functionalities.
  2. Free Tier Limitations: The tool operates on a freemium model, where basic functionalities are free, but access to advanced features and a larger quantity of assets necessitates a paid subscription. This could limit the usability for those not willing to invest in the premium options.
  3. Learning Curve: Certain features of the software present a learning curve and might require additional time to familiarize oneself with for smooth operation. This could be a barrier for new users expecting to hit the ground running.
  4. Website Navigation Speed: The official website is reported to be very slow, causing frustration due to long loading times when navigating between pages. This could detract from the overall user experience, especially when seeking support or exploring features.
  5. User-Friendly Concerns: Although the tool offers a range of functionalities, some features are not as intuitive or easy to use for new users. A more straightforward and simplified user experience could greatly enhance its accessibility and appeal.

Given these considerations, potential users should carefully assess how these cons might impact their specific requirements and workflows before choosing this tool.


Icons8 pricing

AIPR – Scoring

  • Value for Money
  • Quality & Accuracy
  • Features
  • Ease of Use
3/5Overall Score